The LUCE project is an independent case study built around the ideas of lucid dreaming. The project was constructed around a hypothetical situation where lucid dreaming could be self-induced and transferred into the construct of a computerized environment. The key objective of the project was to educate those interested in lucid dreaming and persuade others who may not be as familiar with the concept through social platforms. In order to meet this objective, deliverables included a brand identity, along with the construction of a low-fidelity system prototype.
Project involved:
Visual design, Branding, Art direction, Motion design, Film production and UX/UI design
The project kicked-off began with two assumptions: a majority of people were not familiar with lucid dreaming, and there is little promotion around its concept and practice. These assumptions led to a more specific question: what are the personality types of lucid dreaming practitioners. A research plan consisting of: historical and scientific information regarding this subject matter; interviews with those who are and are not familiar with this; and competitive research was drafted and executed to help answer this question. Along with the background research, understanding the personas provided direction on the visual treatment of the brand identity and system, as well as the system prototype.
Research Takeaways:
A common trait amongst personalities was perceptiveness
Light and noise experienced in a lucid state
Vivid colors was a common experience
Audio based UI revealed to have a more positive experience in testing the prototype

Identity Development

Visual Brand Elements

Conceptual Design of Platform & User Interface